So this was drawn right after a baseball game that Allison and I went to at SJSU. It was there realized that we would always go to baseball games and if anyone would ask we would say "Yeah lets go baseball is cool". After the first or second inning though we would remember "Wait a minute we don't really like baseball, we just like going out" then we would wait restlessly the whole rest of the innings for it to end so we could go do something else.
Ok.. so my question is... did you draw on an add for coffee, or did you computerize your comic onto a picture of a coffee cup?
It was drawn at Dennies the all American diner.
How come you portray yourself as better looking in the comics? I always thought your were second or maybe third best looking out of the guys in the fam. Your stuff is amazing Tim.
wow, just because we were visiting doesn't mean you could blow off your comic duties
Sorry Todd, but Tim is by far the most handsome and attractive Thelin male. I mean, all the Thelin boys are little clones, which means they are all good looking, but Tim definitely got the best arrangement...Sorry, but it's true. Oh, by the way, thanks for letting me hang out at wingers!!
You two do know that there are lots of amazing places to hang out at besides a baseball stadium right? Rock Climbing, book stores, the beach, the mountains...
Take Care!
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