Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Can I have a ride?

The idea behind this one came from a number of fights that Allison and I would playfully have in front of other people in order to see there reaction. The starting dialog really did occur, one night while talking to me on the phone Allison asked if cashmere was a color or a fabric.


Allison said...

In my defense, as you said we were on the phone. That means it must have been late. Which means I must have been really really sleepy and my "don't ask that question, it's stupid" sensor must not have been working properly. Not my fault! Of course I know cashmere is a color!

(I'm kidding)

Unknown said...

Um, actually Sweety, it wasn't late at all. It was a night when you were working on homework while conversing with each other on the phone. The latest it could have possibly been was 8:00 pm

Amelia said...

bwa ha ha!